GALVANIZATION of wide range of products is done by applying HOT-DIP GALVANIZATION technology. HOT-DIP GALVANIZATION is the most efficient and environmentally the most appropriate protection for steel in the world.
- 1. LOWER PRODUCTION COSTS: hot-dip galvanization is not work intensive, but automatic;
- 2. ECONOMIC SAVINGS: due to their long life, galvanized products provide long lasting investments and higher economic turnover;
- 3. LONGEVITY: 20-40 years in marine environment and 30-70 years in mild environment, if the applied Zn coat is 120 um;
- First – zinc coat applied by hot-dip galvanization process guarantees long life of the product;
- Second – by zinc color used to cover all unprotected areas created by some additional grinding, cutting or mechanical damage of a steel product;
- Third – longitudinal corrosion penetration over a steel product, created at a damage site, is prevented;
- 5. FAST APPLICATION: painting process lasts for weeks and it depends on weather, while hot-dip galvanization usually lasts 1 day;
- 6. QUALITY AND RELIABILITY: global standards EN 130 1461, AZTM-A 123,130 9001:2000 are applied;
- 7. MECHANICAL IMPEDANCE: hot-dip galvanization provides additional mechanical impedance;
- 8. EASY CHECK OF GALVANIZATION QUALITY: very nature of hot-dip galvanizing is such that protection is good if a zinc coat on a steel product appears firm and continuous. Zinc coat thickness may be easily controlled during and after galvanization process;
- 9. PROMPT USE: galvanized steel is ready to be used promptly; no additional processing is necessary at the installation site.
- 10. COMPLETE OVERCOATING OF EVEN THE MOST COMPLEX STEEL PRODUCTS: even the most inaccessible areas are protected with zinc.